The download from our website is Fully Functional trial except for the ability to save the recoverable files.
Available for Mac OS X 10.10 and higher, including macOS macOS 14 Sonoma.
Supports all versions of Windows, including Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Step 1: Connect your CF card or other type of storage device to your computer. We recommend that you always use a card reader for card recoveries.
Step 2: Start CF Card Recovery and use physical drive to select the device whose size matches the size of the device you want to recover.
Step 3: At the end of the recovery, The program allows you to preview recoverable files. If you like what you see, purchase the full version and activate it.
* Please Note: If you are using a trial version (not activated), it won't let you save the files. In order to open or save the files, you need to buy the full version and activate it.
System Requirements :